Career & Financial Management

CAREER AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT - 1 Credit Course                              JCC College Credit

Students will identify the relationship between career planning and lifelong goals. Students will use self-assessments to identify with career clusters that match their personal interests. Students will become familiar with the job search process and identify with the preparation that is necessary to transition from the educational environment into a career or college setting. Skills developed will be: job search, applications, cover letters, interviews, follow-up, succeeding in the workplace.Students will study a wide range of financial areas that include managing finances & budgeting. Students will learn to plan for financial security and the necessity of establishing & maintaining an excellent credit rating. Financial management such as online banking, direct deposit, mobile checking and balancing a check book will be covered. Students will study resource management which includes planning and goal setting for purchasing a car, renting vs. buying a home and maintenance of their resources. Great course for students going to college and into the workforce. Students will be using a Financial Literacy Program created by the University of Buffalo, School of Management.
College Credit from Jamestown Community College will be award upon successful 
completion of the course.

JCC College Credit Syllabus
