
District Superintendent Dr. Katie Ralston, ext. 1102
Superintendent's Secretary & District Clerk Ms. Emily Cole, ext. 1900
Superintendent's Office
Silver Creek Central School District
1 Dickinson Street, Silver Creek, N.Y. 14136
Phone: (716) 934-2603 | Fax: (716) 934-7983
"Knights, Camera, Action"
Community Updates
Podcast: Avoiding Burnout Through Self-Care
From the Superintendent

Dear Silver Creek Community,
On behalf of the district and the Board of Education, I would like to sincerely thank you for your unwavering support of our district’s new capital project. Your input on surveys was taken seriously in the development of all our proposals, and the positive vote makes it possible for us to make significant improvements that will benefit our students, staff, and community for years to come. These enhancements will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on the educational experience we are able to provide, as well as expand the facilities and resources we have available to our community.
As the year comes to an end, it is natural to take time to reflect on everything the year brought to us. Some challenges were certainly presented but looking back on 2024 I am reminded of a favorite quote by educational leader George Couros, “Make the positives so loud that the negatives are almost impossible to hear.” This quote does not mean that negatives don’t exist, but it means the positives stand out much more. I hope as you reflect on 2024 in Silver Creek Central School District, you also find that the positives far outweigh the challenges we have faced.
Looking into 2025, the work will continue to make Silver Creek the best possible district for students, staff, families, and our community. In spirit of the new year, here’s a glimpse into the top 25 “district happenings” for you to watch for:
Design of the Capital Project: Since the vote was passed on December 17th, we will now move into the design phase of the project. The board’s Capital Project committee will work closely with our architects, construction management company, and end users to design all the details that were outlined in the proposal.
Regionalization Efforts: Continue conversations around the advancement of regionalization initiatives designed to increase collaboration between neighboring districts, improving resources and opportunities for all students.
Attendance Benchmarks: The implementation of attendance committees and benchmarks to ensure our students are attending school regularly and staying engaged in their learning. New York State has proposed a new attendance benchmark that we will connect with all our efforts as well.
Trusted Adult: A district commitment related to Board of Education Goal #3 is that every student will have a trusted adult in the district. This will ensure that every student has a reliable, supportive adult they can turn to for guidance and encouragement.
Code of Conduct: A review and update of our district’s Code of Conduct, ensuring that it remains aligned with our board goals and state mandates. In the spring, we will seek parent and student input for possible updates.
Building Administration Updates: Sharon Huff was serving as a building administrator substitute and is now the interim middle school principal. She will continue to serve in this capacity until a new building principal is hired.
Sweethearts and Heroes Program: The continuation of the Sweethearts and Heroes program, which promotes kindness, empathy, inclusion, and anti-bullying efforts across the district.
BRAVE Program: Expanding on Sweethearts and Heroes, we will launch our BRAVE program, training groups of students to act as peer mentors.
Expand Mental Health Resources: We have launched the Counslr app, which is a text based mental health resource for high school students.
Middle School TSI (Targeted Support and Improvement): Continued focus on targeted support and improvement plan for middle school. Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology, Michelle Helmer, and Interim Building Principal, Sharon Huff, will lead this work with our committee of faculty, staff, and parents.
Curriculum Maps: All teachers and departments continue to build and refine curriculum maps. Our goal is to have all maps linked to our website by June 2025.
Arts and Music: We have hired two new music teachers into our music department, and their first concert was a success! Make sure to attend the district play, musical, and future concerts!
Blue Ribbon Commission: New York State has released the timeline for new graduation requirements. Throughout 2025 we will create blueprints and plans that align with new graduation requirements and enhance opportunities for students.
Increased Community Engagement: More opportunities for parents and community members to participate in school events, meetings, and volunteer opportunities.
Improved School Safety Measures: The introduction of additional safety protocols, safety teams, and security measures to ensure a secure environment for all students and staff.
Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: Programs and events focused on fostering an inclusive and diverse school culture, celebrating the unique backgrounds and experiences of our students.
District Technology Committee: Review current district technology resources and use and research other technology, ensuring students have access to the latest digital tools and resources for learning.
Student Leadership Opportunities: The launch of new student leadership opportunities, including a student board of education member, designed to build confidence and empower students to take an active role in their school community.
MTSS Work: MTSS stands for “Multi-Tiered Systems of Support” and includes academics and behavior. Each building has committees working on the various elements of MTSS.
Celebrating Student Success: Continued recognition of student achievements in creating a culture of safety, academic success, and community/school involvement.
Cultural Celebrations and Events: More events celebrating the cultural diversity of our school community, promoting understanding and unity.
Parent and Teacher Collaboration: Increased opportunities for parents and teachers to work together, ensuring the best possible outcomes for every student.
Environmental Sustainability Programs: As the state releases new green initiatives aimed at making our schools more environmentally friendly, including energy-saving projects and waste reduction efforts, we will evaluate our eligibility for funding and apply when possible.
Review of current policies and practices: We began a 2-year policy review process in 2024. This work will continue, allowing us to review district policies and corresponding practices and make revisions where necessary.
Make SCCS the place people want to be!
As always, we are grateful for the partnership of our community in making all of this possible. We look forward to working together to make this year one of continued growth and success.
Be sure to follow us on our social media accounts on Facebook, X, and Instagram for a peek into the day-to-day happenings in the district. It’s a great way to stay connected and see firsthand the exciting events and initiatives taking place in our schools.
Thank you for your continued support, and here’s to a fantastic new year ahead!
Warm regards,
Dr. Katie Ralston
Superintendent of Schools