Middle School

Welcome to Silver Creek Middle School!

1 Dickinson Street
Silver Creek, N.Y. 14136
Phone: (716) 934-2603, ext. 1400
Fax: (716) 934-3760

Middle School Principal Miss Sydney Neubauer
Secretary Mr. Wes Bolton, ext. 1400
Dean of Students Mr. Chris Prevet, ext. 2301

School Counselor Ms. Kelsey Wise, ext. 4973
PK-12 School Psychologist Nicholas Gerard, ext. 4967

6-8 School Social Worker Sara Marranca, ext. 4975

Hours of attendance

7:35 a.m. - 2:23 p.m.

Office hours
7:10 a.m. - 3:40 p.m.

Middle School Bell Schedule

Student Arrival: Approximately 7:15 a.m.
Breakfast/Report to 1st Period: 7:15-7:30 a.m.
1st Period: 7:35-8:20 a.m.
2nd Period: 8:23-9:08 a.m.
3rd Period: 9:11-9:56 a.m.
4th Period: 9:59-10:44 a.m.
5th Period: 10:47-11:32 a.m.
6th Period: 11:35 a.m.-12:20 p.m.
Period 7a: 12:23-12:47 p.m.
Period 7b: 12:50-1:08 p.m.
Period 7c: 1:11-1:35 p.m.
8th Period: 1:38-2:23 p.m.

Message from our Middle School Principal

MIDDLE SCHOOL YEARBOOKS will go on sale starting Sunday, March 16! See Mr. Bolton or Mr. Francisco for details!

Making the Grade in Middle School

Middle School is a time when important learning is taking place. The knowledge students gain at the Middle School builds the foundations needed to be successful at the High School and beyond! 

Attendance plays a huge factor in success in the Middle School. Coming to school on time and every day is extremely important. When students are not in the classroom, they are not learning. If they are not learning, they cannot succeed! Daily attendance is crucial to achieve success in academic classes. 

Ensuring students are engaging in reading, writing, and discussion of what is going on in their classes is extremely important. Nightly homework will reinforce the learning that is taking place within the classroom during the day. This reinforcement of learning will lead to success in the classroom.

Our school website will give you access to the school calendar and upcoming events. You have access to your child's grades, attendance record, lunch account, and transportation information through the use of the Silver Creek PowerSchool Parent Portal. The access information you received last year is still valid. If you have lost or forgotten your access code, please contact the middle school office at 934-2603, ext. 1400.

There are scheduled parent conferences dates on the school calendar, but you may at any time call to schedule an individual conference with a teacher. 

Our goal is to make your child's middle school experience a positive and successful one! We welcome your involvement, suggestions, and encourage you to call the middle school office at ext. 1400 at any time.

Middle School Club Information

Attendance Policy

Student Handbook

The 2024-2025 Student Handbook is available for your review.

ID Cards

Middle School and High School students use their student identification cards for several school-related activities such as checking out library books, lunch purchases and entrance to after-school activities. Beginning the first week of school, all 6th-12th grade students will have their picture retaken for their ID cards. Students are encouraged to wear their card throughout the school day. A lost or destroyed card will cost $1.00 to replace.

Dress Code: An Important Part of the Educational Climate

The District has designed a Code of Conduct that includes a student dress code. The dress code was written with two major features in mind; safety for all students and hygiene concerns. Beginning in January 2024, all elements that are stated in the Code of Conduct will be enforced. It is important that the school community and our students respect and support this policy.

Some highlights of this policy:

  1. Certain body parts must always be covered for all students. Clothes must be worn in a way such that by sight or outline, genitals, buttocks, breasts, and nipples are fully covered with opaque fabric. All items listed in “must wear” category below must meet the basic principle.

  2.   Students must wear, while following the basic principle of Section 1 above:

    • A shirt (with fabric in front, back, and on the sides under the arms)

    • Pants/jeans or the equivalent (skirt, sweatpants, leggings, dress, shorts)

    • Shoes

  3. Students cannot wear:

    • Violent language or images.

    • Images or language depicting/suggesting drugs, alcohol, vaping, paraphernalia

    • Bullet proof vest, body armor, tactical gear, or facsimile.

    • Hate speech or symbols, profanity, pornography, or sexually suggestive clothing.

    • Images or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment

    • Swimsuits (except as required in class or athletic practice).

    • Accessories or garments that could be considered dangerous or used as a weapon.

    • Hoods or hats, with the exception of religious, medically necessary, or cultural headwear.

  4. Consequences

    • Modify their appearance by covering or removing the offending item.

    • Replace it with an acceptable item.

    • Students who refuse or repeatedly fail to cooperate with the dress code expectations will be considered insubordinate.

The dress code will be enforced uniformly and consistently throughout the school year.

Useful Links