
Office hours are from 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All questions regarding bus routes
or any transportation matters should be directed to the Transportation Office.
Mrs. Lisa Izzio, Transportation Supervisor
Mrs. Pam Postle, Transportation Assistant
(716) 934-2603, ext. 1963 or ext. 1964
School Bus Rules & Conduct
(New York State laws and Regulations)
At the bus stop:
Be at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to pick-up time
Stand 15 feet away from the road, be visible to the driver
No horseplay while at the stop
Respect surrounding property while waiting
Do not approach the bus until it comes to a complete stop
While on the bus:
Board the bus one at a time
Take your seat immediately upon entering the bus
Stay in your seat
Never stand while the bus is in motion
Use your classroom voice when talking
Never use profanity
Always respect others and their property
No windows are to be opened unless the driver or monitor grants permission
Always keep your hands, arms and head inside the bus
Keep the aisle clear
No eating or drinking
Do not throw anything inside or outside the bus
Do not write on the seats or windows
No glass containers
Be silent at railroad crossings
No spraying hairspray, cologne or perfume
No smoking, including electronic smoking devices.
When getting off the bus:
Make sure the bus comes to a complete stop before standing
Walk 10 to 15 feet in front of the bus before crossing (page 102 NYS laws and regulations)
Wait for the bus driver to give you the signal to cross
Remember the horn is a warning to go back
Walk straight from the bus door to the sidewalk.
Never walk alongside the bus or behind the bus
Crossing Procedures
Please remind your child:
1. Always wait for the driver to signal for you to cross
2. Look before you step off the bus
3. Look before you cross the street
4. If the driver "honks" the horn, stop, turn around, go back
5. If you drop something-never go after it-tell the driver!
Fines for Passing a School Bus
NEVER pass a stopped school bus with RED LIGHTS and STOP SIGN FLASHING. This includes in the driving areas on school grounds.
Practice safe driving habits.
Be aware of the "school" times.
First conviction has a minimum fine of $250 and a maximum fine of $400 and a possible imprisonment of up to 30 days.
Second conviction has a minimum fine of $600 and a maximum fine of $700 and a possible imprisonment of up to 180 days.
Third subsequent conviction within 3 years has a minimum fine of $750 and a maximum fine of $1,000 and a possible imprisonment of up to 180 days.
Frequently Asked Questions
Safety is EVERYONE'S Responsibility!
It is the parent's responsibility to get their children to their bus stop and to supervise their children at the bus stop. (39 N.Y.2d 554) The student becomes the responsibility of the school when they board our district's buses, and the driver has full authority on the bus and may assign seats if necessary. The rules in the classroom apply to the bus as well. Respect your driver, as you would your teacher, and be respectful to your fellow riders by being courteous, speaking at a classroom level, and using proper language.
In most cases, yes. It is at the discretion of the bus driver to assign seating, for safety, efficiency of transport, and familiarity of students. (39 Ed. Dep't Rep.212)(1999)
If necessary, have someone meet your child at his/her assigned stop, or make arrangements to have your child picked up at the elementary school. Only in emergency situations will we allow a single day pass for your child to ride another bus to another location. Please be aware that we will not release children to anyone other than their parents or guardian without proper authorization. If there is no adult to receive the student(s) he/she will be brought back to the school and you will need to make arrangements to pick up your student there.
Parents may request a permanent alternative bus assignment if their child will be arriving at school from, or departing school to, an alternative location. Requests must be submitted to the elementary/middle school office in writing on the appropriate form, provided below, at least 5 days in advance of the request change. Only those requests for a single consistent alternative pick up and/ or drop off will be considered.
Any student of Silver Creek School can ride TO school from any designated bus stop. Conversely, because we have limited seating on the "from school" bus run, we cannot allow single-day transfers on the go-home route due to the numbers of riders on the buses. If you have an emergency situation, you need to call the appropriate district office at 934-2603, ext. 1100 for elementary or ext. 1400 for middle school to make other arrangements.
No. (School Law Edition, Section 30:5) (Appeal of Dickinson, 39 Educ. Dep't Rep. 41 (1999); Appeal of VanDerJagt, 33 Educ. Dep't Rep. 517 (1994)). According to the Commissioner of Education, a student can only have a single residence for school purposes even when that student’s parents are divorced. There is no statutory or regulatory requirement that a district transport a student whose parents share joint custody to one parent’s home on some days of the week and to the other parent’s home on different days of the week.
Your elementary child is provided with a "shipping label" at the beginning of the school year, with the destination information and bus assignment on it. If in the course of the year the information should need to change, please fill out the Transportation Form, hand it in to the Elementary office and notify the Transportation office so we can assure that the most up to date and accurate information is on your child's label. Our drivers work hard to know each and every child on their buses. Given the large number of students we transport, consistent bus assignments help ensure the safety of our children. Please help us by making sure your child knows what bus he/she rides to and from school each day. It is also crucial that you provide your child with clear instructions regarding what to do if they arrive from school and find no one home. Such a situation could occur in the event of an emergency school closure or in the case of a family emergency.
Revised Jan. 3, 2017
Bus Routes & Schedules
Each year, bus routes are assessed and modified. If there are any questions about the bus times or bus assignment, or if you have changes to your students' pick-up or drop-off site, please contact your students' building office or the Transportation Office.
Middle School-High School "AM" bus disembarks at 7:17 a.m.
Elementary "AM" bus disembarks at 8:50 a.m.
Middle School-High School "PM" buses depart our facility at 2:38 p.m.
Elementary "PM" buses depart our facility at 3:30 p.m.
*Routes are continually monitored for safety and efficiency. If major revisions are required, you will be notified by the Transportation Office.
Note: Silver Creek Central School CANNOT provide door-to-door service for all students. Parents are responsible for having their children at their designated bus stop 5 MINUTES PRIOR to the scheduled pick-up time in the morning and and at the designated stop in the afternoon to receive any Pre-K, Kindergarden and First-grade students. If no one is present at the bus stop to receive those students, they will be returned to the Elementary School for parent pick-up. IF THERE IS NO STUDENT PRESENT AT ANY DESIGNATED BUS STOP LOCATION, THE BUS IS NOT REQUIRED TO STOP REGARDLESS OF THE WEATHER CONDITIONS.
*ATTENTION PARENTS: Bus pass requests must be submitted to the school office. Bus drivers CANNOT accept written notes.*
3:30 p.m. late bus run:
Any Middle School or High School students staying after 9th period for academic support can take the 3:30 p.m. Elementary bus home. Students must get a bus pass from the Middle School or High School offices.
5:30 p.m. Bus Schedule:
The 5:30 p.m. Late Bus departs the school grounds at approximately 5:35 p.m. and operates Monday through Friday. There are THREE buses that cover the 40-square-mile district. During the height of the sports practice seasons, there may be a good number of students utilizing these buses, which could mean a longer ride home. So please plan accordingly.
School Closing Information:
As the days grow shorter and the weather gets wetter or whiter, please dress appropriately for the bus stop and watch for school closings, delayed openings and early dismissals resulting from inclement weather or other situations. The public will be notified via "Power Announcement" messaging, posted on our Facebook page and District website, and also through local media such as WIVB Channel 4, WKBW Channel 7 and WGRZ Channel 2. Local radio stations WDOE, 97 Rock, Star 102.5, WYRK 106.5 and WBEN 107.7 will also have delays or closing alerts.
Bus Transportation Forms
Printable Bus Transportation Information document.
Printable Placement Change Request.
Parochial School Transportation
All families opting for parochial schools must submit a letter of request to the Superintendent by April 1 of each year. Call 716-934-2603, ext. 1900 for more information.
School Bus Safety Data
About 50,000 buses in New York State transport approximately 2.3 million children to and from school each day.
School buses travel approximately 4.4 billion miles each year across the United States. To put this in perspective, the U.S Department of Transportation publishes figures that show Americans drive nearly 3 trillion miles on U.S. highways each year.
Approximately 53 percent of all K-12 students in the country ride yellow buses. School buses are:
172 times safer than the family car
8 times safer than passenger trains
8 times safer than airplanes
4 times safer than intercity buses
The average bus transports 54 student passengers. An average of 1.5 students are transported per car if a school bus is not available. The number of cars needed to transport students currently riding on one school bus is 36. According to the American School Bus Council, that is 1 bus or 36 cars. Therefore, the federal government considers school buses to be about 9 times safer than other passenger vehicles during the typical school commute.
School buses are the safest mode of transportation for getting children to and from school
School buses are designed to be safer than passenger vehicles in avoiding crashes and preventing injury
School buses keep an annual estimated 17.3 million cars off roads surrounding schools each morning
For more school bus safety information:
New York Association for Pupil Transportation
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
National Association for Pupil Transportation
Sources: U.S. Department of Transportation, the National Academy of Sciences and the U.S. Department of Transportation.