Continuing Education Credits/Workshops
Guidelines & Forms
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to Silver Creek Central School District Teachers’ Association members regarding eligibility, function of, and process of the Continuing Education Committee (CEC) and the stipend associated with this work. This text is intended to be a guideline only and all recommendations of the CEC to the Superintendent are subject to the Superintendent’s approval.
Course Registration
Please go to My Learning Plan and register for in-district courses or project proposals. Out of District workshops must be done on the paper form (see Continuing Education Credits forms) and submitted 2 weeks prior to the CEC meeting.
Notification of requested approval will be given through My Learning Plan if it is an in-house request or returned to you if it is an out-of-district request, after the committee meets to review them. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Helmer or the president of the Silver Creek Teachers Association.
Teachers are eligible for a CEC stipend in June and rollover, which will be added to their 2022-2023 salary after completing 15 hours, 25 hours, or 35 hours of CEC professional development. Additional hours will not result in an additional rollover, although teachers are often welcome to audit courses.
Reflection is a part of every out-of-district course, faculty should use the (goldenrod) Reflection form available in the high school Guidance office and the school website (CEC forms).
Please remember to follow-through with all required paperwork (i.e. reflection forms for workshop instructor or for building principal approval, attaining certificates of completion). Otherwise, rollovers and stipends cannot be processed.