Links & Documents
Working Papers
Working papers are required of all minors up to the age of 18 who seek part-time or full-time employment. The student must secure the working papers application from the High School counseling office, then take the application to the nurse’s office for a physical verification date. The application then goes home for parental completion and signature. The completed application is to be returned to the counseling office, at which time the employment certificate will be completed. Students must sign the certificate when they pick up their card.
All applicants must have a physical. A physical examination administered within one year is acceptable. Applicants may be examined by a family or school physician. School physicals, for which there is no charge, must be by appointment only with the school doctor. Students should allow a minimum of (2) days processing time when applying for working papers.
Counseling Center Home
Silver Creek Central School has many services available for students and their families. In order to help meet the increasing demands of the New York State learning standards, all students have access to a support network in school to help them deal with many factors that may affect learning. The district provides support services through school counselors, school social workers, school psychologists, and our Native American support staff.
Contact Us
Phone: (716) 934-2603 Fax: (716) 934-7983
Mrs. Alison Gondek, Director of School Counseling, Grades 9 & 11 , ext. 1124
Mr. Mark Baldelli, School Counselor, Grades 10 &12, ext. 1125
Mrs. Beth Miller, School Social Worker, ext. 2991
Ms. Mary Williams, Title VI Coordinator, ext. 4992
Mr. Nicholas Gerard, School Psychologist K-12, ext. 4967
Mrs. Sandy Congdon, Guidance Secretary, ext. 1123
**To send an email see the staff directory!**
Students have the option of applying to colleges online or by using the paper application. The benefits of applying online are; decreased processing time, built in checks for errors and in some cases colleges may offer fee waivers for student who apply online. Whether you are applying online or using a paper application, there are procedures that must be be followed to ensure that the colleges receive the proper information in a timely manner.
Follow this link for a list of scholarships.