For Parents
Your son or daughter has been identified as an English Language Learner (ELL). This placement is based on your child’s test results on the New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL) OR the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT). Because of these results, your child is required by New York State to receive English as a New Language (ENL) services.
What is English as a New Language (ENL) Instruction?
ENL instruction is a program that teaches the English language to students who speak a language other than English at home. ENL instruction focuses on speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English. The goal of our ENL program is to help students become proficient in English so that they are able to fully participate in academic and social activities at school and in their community.
What is the procedure for identifying students in need of ENL instruction?
Identifying ELLs in need of ENL is a four step process. First, all parents fill out the Home Language Questionnaire (HLQ). Next, if the HLQ indicates that the child speaks a language other than English at home, an informal interview is conducted with the child to verify the need for further testing. Last, the ESOL teacher gives the child the NYSITELL test to determine his or her level of English proficiency upon entering the NY State education system.
What is the procedure for continuing ENL services?
All ELLs are required to take the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) in the spring (usually in April-May). The test is given once per year to measure your child’s growth and achievement in English proficiency. Your child’s proficiency level is determined by this test. The type and amount of ENL services provided are based on the results of this test.
What is a proficiency Level?
A proficiency level tells us your child’s skill level and ability to speak, comprehend, read, and write in English for social and academic purposes. The proficiency levels are Entering (Beginner), Emerging (Low Intermediate), Transitioning (Intermediate), Expanding (Advanced), and Commanding (Proficient).
What are the different types of programs for ELLs in NY State?
Bilingual Education: Students receive instruction in both English and the home language (i.e. - Spanish) from teachers certified in bilingual education and content area instruction. This type of program works best in schools with large population of students with same home language.
Stand-Alone English as a New Language (ENL): Entering and Emerging level students receive ENL instruction from a certified ESOL teacher through methodologies and materials that help them learn English steadily. ENL instruction is designed to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in alignment with Common Core English Language Arts (ELA) standards. The ultimate goal of ENL instruction is to prepare your child to be successful in the mainstream classroom where instruction is delivered solely in English.
Integrated English as a New Language (ENL) with English Language Arts (ELA) or a content area (Science, Math, Social Studies): Content area instruction is delivered simultaneously with English language instruction either by one dually certified (ESOL & content area) teacher or through a co-teaching model by one ESOL teacher and one content area teacher. There are content and language learning objectives for each unit with this program model. It is best for students who have reached Transitioning, Expanding, or Commanding proficiency, but it can be effective with some Emerging students for a portion of their instructional day.
What type of program will my child participate in?
Silver Creek Central School District offers Stand-Alone ENL at the Entering and Emerging levels and Integrated ENL & ELA/Content Area Instruction for Transitioning, Expanding, and Commanding level ELL students. While we do not offer a bilingual education program, we do our best to provide home language support within the ENL and regular classroom settings as often as possible. The combination of services your child receives depends on his or her individual needs, grade level, proficiency level, and classroom schedule. We strive to offer the least restrictive environment while providing high quality individualized ENL instruction.
How does my child exit the ENL program?
Your child will continue to receive ENL instruction until he or she scores at the Commanding (proficient) level in all four English language domains (listening, speaking, reading, & writing) on the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT).
Can I request that my child be removed from the ENL program?
No. Parents may not remove their children from a stand-alone ENL program as per the New York State Commissioner’s Regulations (Part 154).
English as a New Language (ENL) Program
(Low Intermediate)
ENL Instructional Time (Minimum)
2 Units per week
(360 minutes)
2 Units per week (360 minutes)
1 unit per week
(180 minutes)
1 unit per week
(180 minutes)
Former ELLs must
continue to receive
services for an
additional 2 years
Stand-Alone ENL
1 unit of ENL
(180 minutes)
.5 unit of ENL
(90 minutes)
Integrated ENL
1 unit of ENL/ELA
(180 minutes)
1 unit of ENL/ELA
(180 minutes)
.5 unit of ENL
(90 minutes)
1 unit of ENL/ELA or Core Content Area*
(180 minutes)
.5 unit of study can be stand-alone ENL ORintegrated ENL in Content Area
(90 minutes)
.5 unit of study can be stand-alone ENL ORintegrated ENL/ Content Area
(90 minutes)
.5 unit of integrated ENL in ELA or Core Content Area
OR Approved Former ELL services
(90 minutes)
Weekly Total
360 Minutes
360 Minutes
180 Minutes
180 Minutes
90 Minutes
Staffing/ Personnel
Stand-Alone ENL
K-12 Certified ESOL teacher
Integrated ENL – 1 Dually Certified Teacher
ESOL and Common Branch (K-6) or Content Area (7-8) teacher who holds both certifications
Integrated ENL – 2 Individually Certified Teachers (Co-Teaching)
A certified ESOL teacher and a K-6 certified elementary teacher
A certified ESOL teacher and a 7-8 certified content area teacher (ELA, Math, Science, or Social Studies)
**The maximum allowable grade span for grouping instruction in grades K-12 ENL or Bilingual classes is two contiguous grade levels except for ELLs in a Special Education class. All ENL services must be provided during the regular school hours.
English as a New Language (ENL) Program
(Low Intermediate)
ENL Instructional Time (Minimum)
3 Units per week
(540 minutes)
2 Units per week (360 minutes)
1 unit per week
(180 minutes)
1 unit per week
(180 minutes)
Former ELLs must
continue to receive
services for an
additional 2 years
Stand-Alone ENL
1 unit of ENL
(180 min.)
.5 unit of ENL
(90 minutes)
Integrated ENL
1 unit of ENL/ELA
(180 min.)
1 unit of ENL/ELA
(180 minutes)
.5 unit of ENL
(90 minutes)
1 unit of ENL/ELA or Core Content Area*
(180 minutes)
1 unit of study can be Stand-Alone ENL or Integrated ENL in Core Content area (180 min.)
.5 unit of study can be stand-alone ENL ORintegrated ENL in Content Area
(90 minutes)
.5 unit of study can be stand-alone ENL ORintegrated ENL/ Content Area
(90 minutes)
.5 unit of integrated ENL in ELA or Core Content Area
OR Approved Former ELL services
(90 minutes)
Weekly Total
540 Minutes
360 Minutes
180 Minutes
180 Minutes
90 Minutes
Staffing/ Personnel
Stand-Alone ENL
K-12 Certified ESOL teacher
Integrated ENL – 1 Dually Certified Teacher
ESOL and Common Branch (K-6) or Content Area (7-8) teacher who holds both certifications
Integrated ENL – 2 Individually Certified Teachers (Co-Teaching)
A certified ESOL teacher and a K-6 certified elementary teacher
A certified ESOL teacher and a 7-8 certified content area teacher (ELA, Math, Science, or Social Studies)
**The maximum allowable grade span for grouping instruction in grades K-12 ENL or Bilingual classes is two contiguous grade levels except for ELLs in a Special Education class. All ENL services must be provided during the regular school hours.
What can I do to help my child succeed in school?
You are strongly encouraged to take an active role in your child’s education! Here are some ways that you can do so:
Speak and read to your child in your home language. Knowledge and skills in the home language will transfer to learning the new language (English).
Encourage your child to complete homework by providing a quiet space at home. If your child needs help with homework, request that he or she receive after school help from the classroom or ENL teacher. Translations of some mathematics materials are available at
Attend Parent Information Sessions, School Activities, Special Events, and Parent-Teacher Conferences at the school whenever you can.
Your child’s school attendance is extremely important! Please make every effort to send him or her to school on time every day unless he or she is ill.
If you have any questions about your child’s education and/or participation in the ENL program, please contact your child’s ESOL teacher or classroom teacher.