Hand Hygiene
80% of all Infections are Transmitted by Hands
Good hand-washing is the #1 most effective way to control and stop the spread of disease! Please instruct your child to wash their hands often.
Children should also be taught to cover their mouth and nose with their arm near their elbow or to cover with a tissue, rather than into their hands when they need to cough or sneeze. An alcohol-based cleanser is only effective if it contains more than 60% alcohol. Hand-washing with soap and water is the preferred method of cleansing.
Proper Hand-washing Technique:
1. Turn on water and wet hands with warm water
2. Apply soap and vigorously rub hands to create a lather
3. Sing "Happy Birthday" silently to yourself 2 times
4. Rinse hands under warm running water and do not touch the sink
5. Dry hands thoroughly
6. Turn off the water with the towel