Illness and Injury

Throughout the school day children are sent to the Health Office for illness or injury. Every effort is made to allow your child an opportunity to rest and then to return to class.

Should it become necessary for your child to leave due to illness or injury:

  • It is essential that the school has the most current contact information on file. Please update phone changes, employment changes and other emergency information. Silver Creek Schools may only release your child to a person that you have delegated as an emergency contact.

  • Please arrive in a timely manner to pick up your student.

  • First Aid is limited to emergency care by school personnel. Parents are responsible for any further treatment. If it is necessary for a parent to take their child to the doctor following a school-related injury the nurse should be notified.

Criteria for student dismissal (this is a guideline and is not all-inclusive):

  • Fever of 100.4 degrees or higher

  • Vomiting

  • Suspected pink eye

  • Other physical illness

  • Head injury with a raised area or other neurological symptom

  • Limb injuries with possible fractures

  • Suspicious rash

There are some situations in which it is best to keep your child home for a day or two of rest or to arrange for an appointment with your health care provider:

  • Persistent fever above 100.5 orally including a fever that requires control with medication

  • Child that is too sleepy or ill from an illness, such as vomiting or diarrhea, to benefit from sitting in a classroom all day

  • Significant cough that is uncomfortable for the child or disrupts other students

  • Sore throat accompanied by fever lasting more that 48 hours or known exposure to streptococcal throat infection

  • Honey-crusted sores around the nose or mouth or rash on other body parts that may be impetigo

  • A rash in various stages, including boils and bumps, that may be chickenpox, or other rashes and the presence of a fever

  • Red runny eyes that may be contagious or, at best, distracts the student from learning

  • Large amounts of discolored nasal discharge, especially if accompanied by facial pain or headache

  • Severe ear pain or drainage from the ear

  • Severe headache, especially if accompanied by a fever

  • Any condition you think may be serious or contagious to others

One note of caution in children:

Health Care Providers strongly advise against ever using aspirin or products containing aspirin in children without the express permission from their doctor. There is an association to REYES SYNDROME and aspirin use in children. Reyes syndrome is a very serious disease that develops as one is getting over a viral illness that targets the liver and brain and is difficult to diagnose (should be suspected in anyone who vomits repeatedly about 3-5 days after the onset of the illness). This illness should be monitored by the Health Care Provider. It is best to read all over the counter medications/products for aspirin-containing ingredients (salicylic compounds) and consult your Health Care Provider prior to administering these types of medication to your child.