PBIS and Character Strengths

Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
Our current PBIS system is a school-wide set of strategies and systems put into place with the intention of:
Reducing the amount of disruption during the school day and
Educating ALL students in Positive Behavior Techniques.
It is a proactive system that defines, teaches and supports appropriate student behavior to create positive school environments.
GOAL: Students attending SCCS Elementary will be the best KNIGHT they can be!
Features of this plan:
Training of staff and students as positive role models.
Teaching and modeling behavioral expectations.
Creating systems for regular positive feedback.
Establishing positive learning and teaching environments.
Teacher/Staff Responsibilities:
Teachers and staff will teach, model and practice all behavioral expectations throughout the year.
Teachers and staff will acknowledge student behaviors meeting the KNIGHT expectations as well as general school expectations.
Teachers and staff will follow school procedures for behavioral incidents.

System of Recognition
Classroom Management Plan – Individual to teacher but to include:
Character Trait nominations (monthly)
Random Acts of Kindness nominations (weekly)
On A Roll nominations (when possible)
School Plan/Character Strength Awards – 6 Pillars of Character
Students nominated by teachers/staff on a monthly basis according to Trait of the Month. Students receive recognition in front of grade level, certificate, and Trait bracelet. Pictures posted in Trait hallway for the rest of the school year and placed on school TVs located in the lobby and cafeteria for the month.
CITIZENSHIP Trait – Students nominated by teachers/staff twice yearly, based upon recognition of exhibiting ALL character traits at all times. Students receive recognition at a BOE meeting (families are sent an invitation). They receive a certificate and Black Knight pencil from the elementary school as well as a certificate and pin from the BOE. Pictures appear in Observer (local newspaper), on Citizenship wall and on monitors.
Random Acts of Kindness Awards
Students who are nominated by teachers/staff/peers for performing an act of kindness to another student(s). Nominations are collected at the end of each week. Six random winners will be chosen at the start of the next week. Winners will receive a certificate, a “free snack” coupon to be used in the cafeteria, and their picture on the TV monitor.
On A Roll Award
Students are nominated for this award who have had some struggles either academically or behaviorally but have overcome these struggles and moved forward in a positive way. Recipients of this award receive a certificate, a free snack coupon and their picture on the TV monitor.
Whole Bus – Students are recognized by their bus driver/aide for meeting KNIGHT expectations on their bus. Entire bus receives a Breakfast with their driver, which includes fun, team-building activities. A “Certificate of Excellence” is placed on the bus for the student to see.
Bus Ambassador Program – Twice a year, drivers are asked to nominate 1-2 of their riders who consistently exhibit KNIGHT behavior and are excellent examples to their peers. These Ambassadors are recognized by the BOE (16-17 school year), receive a certificate and Black Knight pencil and have their pictures in the Observer as well as on the school monitors.
A little bit about PBIS