Water Test Results and IPM 48-Hour Notification
Integrated Pest Management 48-hour Prior Notification
The Silver Creek Central School District has adopted Integrated Pest Management as an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest control. IPM utilizes common sense practices to control pests by taking advantage of various pest management options including the judicious use of pesticides.
All pesticide control measures used at the SCCSD do not require 48-hour prior notification under the New York State Consolidated Laws-Educational Law Pesticide Notification-Article 9: section 409-h2 (e).
A new law has been enacted that prohibits the use of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulated pesticide products on all lawn areas of the school. However, the school can use EPA exempt or minimal risk pesticides, which are not registered by EPA because they have been found to pose little or no risk. These products commonly referred to as biopesticides contain natural products such as clove oil or soybean oil.
Should there be an unforeseen school board approved circumstance that requires an EPA-approved pesticide application, individuals who wish to be informed may choose to do so. If you do elect to be informed, please submit your name and mailing address to the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds.
The Silver Creek Central School District pesticide representative is Director of Facilities Scott Pound. If you have any questions or concerns you may contact Mr. Pound at 934-2603, ext. 4262.