November 2023

Nya:wëh sgë:nö, Black Knight Families!

We have had a strong start to the school year and have done a lot of work to ensure Silver Creek students have the best educational experience possible. That does not mean this will come without challenges, but it does mean that we will work together to do what is best for all our students. As part of this commitment, we have spent time improving processes and making the work of the district purposeful.

First, I am happy to report that we completed a total overhaul of our District Code of Conduct. I want to thank everyone who was a part of the various committees, including administrators, Board of Education members, family members, students, and employees. The Board of Education approved the new Code of Conduct at the November 9th Board of Education meeting. You can find the new Code of Conduct linked on our website, and you will also be receiving a simplified summary of the changes in the next month. If you would like a printed hard copy of the new Code of Conduct, please contact your building principal. The Code of Conduct will begin on January 3, 2024, and will be reviewed again in June 2024.

I want to thank our Family Outreach School Connectedness Committee, who created the logo you see to the left of this page. This new motto, “Silver Creek Cares” captures the focus of each of our board of education goals and will brand all the work we do within the district for our students, families, and communities. With this letter we have given you a magnet for your refrigerator to serve as a reminder of our commitment to the work we do.

Again, we thank you for the opportunity to teach, learn, and grow with your children every day. We invite you to attend all school events, and always welcome your feedback of other events or opportunities you might like to see.

Wishing you all a wonderful week and a very happy and healthy holiday season.


Dr. Katie Ralston, Superintendent