On Wednesday, May 29, we held our Little Free Library Grand Opening at Silver Creek Elementary School. Recently, we installed our library at it's new home, outside by the playground. This is exciting because it will now be available for our students and community at any time and not just when school is in session.
The Grand Opening event was very exciting as guests enjoyed refreshments provided by our Knight University program. Mrs. Feeley gave a speech regarding what it took to get the Little Free Library up and running. Her Knight U students were in attendance and helped to "cut the ribbon" for the grand opening and we also had some younger students there who got to use it and even brought books to add to the library!
Our new Little Free Library at Silver Creek Elementary School was created by Mrs. Feeley’s Knight U classes. Mrs. Feeley applied for and received a grant from the Little Free Library Charter. This meant that she was supplied with the library and could start her very own Little Free Library at our school.
She then taught 2 sessions of Knight University called “Little Free Library Helpers” and “Little Free Library Earth Savers” during our fall and spring sessions. The students in her classes learned all about the Little Free Library program and how it can help our community and other communities around the world. In the fall they held a book drive where they collected books to supply the library and in the spring session they learned about recycling books and about how sharing books can help the Earth.
Mrs. Feeley and her classes worked very hard to provide this resource for our school and community and we are excited to officially open it at our new location, by the playground! Please stop and visit our new library when you have time! In the future Mrs. Feeley plans to continue teaching Knight U classes that will help keep our Little Free Library up and running for years to come! Be sure to watch our school Facebook page for updates in the future!