An engaged community is a healthy community, and Silver Creek School District’s Family Outreach-School Connectedness team is building relationships through meaningful conversations via its #SameHere wellness initiative.
Following December 2022’s well-attended Holiday Family Wellness Night, a four-part series of inclusive, virtual workshops kicks off Wednesday, March 15, 2023, with the topic of “Current Drug Trends” and wraps up in late April with a talk titled “Building Resiliency in Children.” The workshops are hosted by David Hymowitz of #SameHere and are part of the district’s mission to educate and support each and every student.
“Relationships and emphasizing positive behavior are key in helping sharpen our focus on mental wellness for all students in Pre-Kindergarten through 12th-grade,” says district Superintendent Todd A. Crandall. “The pandemic heightened some of our social-emotional and mental well-being challenges and, thanks in part to American Rescue Plan grant funding, we are at a point where we can focus on prevention and development with #SameHere.”
Managing every day stressors along with unexpected ones is at the heart of #SameHere, which also provides resources encouraging meaningful dialogue about social-emotional learning and mental wellness with families.
Community members are welcome to join one or all four virtual sessions via this link: Links for the virtual workshops are also accessible at Each workshop begins at 7:00 p.m. runs approximately 45 minutes:
• March 15, 2023: Current Drug Trends. Substance use is a large component of our culture. Society plays a major role in influencing kids’ opinions and attitudes toward using substances. It is important for parents and caretakers to know what those factors are, as well as what substances are trending in their world.
• March 29, 2023: Why Do Students Self-Medicate? People utilize a host of mechanisms to cope with stress and difficult life situations. One coping tool is substances and it is believed the choice of substance may be linked to one’s primary emotional state. This workshop explores how this may be connecting and lead to self-medicating. It will also discuss ways to prevent and support students that may be heading toward or actually self-medicating.
• April 12, 2023: How to Have a Discussion with Your Children About Substance Use. Traditional workshops educate adults on how to talk TO kids. Talking to kids is the same as talking AT them, which means they probably are not listening. This workshop demonstrates effective ways to engage your kids in a discussion about substance use by using active listening skills. Listening allows them to examine their feelings and beliefs about the potential role of substances in their lives and how to support them.
• April 26, 2023: Building Resiliency in Your Children. Helping your children become resilient is one of the most effective protective factors they need to negotiate life on life’s terms. There are four main ingredients to building resiliency: hope, connections, purpose, and adapting. We will explore how to create and foster these areas in their lives so they can successfully face life’s challenges.
Contact the district social workers with any questions at (716) 934-2603: Beth Miller (high school) ext. 2991; Kelsey Wise (middle school) ext. 4973; Allyson Gardner (elementary school) ext. 4965. Learn more at
Healthy Kids Running Series (HKRS) was founded in 2009 and is a fun, inclusive five-week running series for ages 2-14, designed for kids to get active, feel accomplished and lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. Racers will compete in a race on Sundays for 5 weeks and each runner will receive a medal at the conclusion of the program. Children ages 2/3 will run a 50-yard dash, 4/5 year-olds will run a 75-yard dash, Kindergarten/1st will run ¼ of a mile, 2nd/3rd graders a ½ mile and 4th-8th a mile.
For the 2023-2024 school year, there is one (1) five-year seat open on the Board of Education. This term will commence on July 1, 2023.
Petitions for anyone interested in running for a seat on the Board of Education are available from the District Clerk. Petitions require signatures from at least 25 district residents age 18 or older.
Completed petitions must be returned to the District Clerk by 5:00 p.m., on April 17, 2023.
If you have any questions, please contact Emily Cole, Deputy District Clerk, at or by phone at 716-934-2603 ext. 1900.
TEAMWORK & LEADERSHIP were the character strength focus at Silver Creek High in February 2023. It is so important to know how to be an effective leader, but also know how to work well in a group and with others. Our Black Knight family saw a record number of suggestions, with 80 people nominated!
Knights of the Month for Teamwork & Leadership are:
• 9th grade: Samuel Bowers
• 10th grade: Karissa Buchanan
• 11th grade: Timothy Williams
• 12th grade: Wyatt Golembieski
• Staff: Miss Kristen Foley
Congratulations to everyone nominated! Lilly Carlson, Asyriah Cruz, Ben Nehrbass, Aaliyah Rancano, Sophie Wickmark, Alaina Reed, Samuel Bowers, Bella Banach, Alexandria Parks, Kolby Jamison, Conor Prince-Rivera, Shylor Maybee, Cole Hastings, Haleigh Salisbury, Brooke Wassell, Alexander Chew, Benjamin Layton, Brock Stern, Kaitlynn Myers, Makayla Kelly, Malachi Staton, Mattison Larson, Travis Brennan, Karissa Buchanan, Bennett Pomroy, Thomas Switala, Kyler Keating, Kaden Weeks, Ana Szymanek, Nora Pantano, Sarah Cross, Kendal Brunn, Raymond Cortes, Timothy Williams, Ryan Michalak, Marianna Mead, John Steinwachs, Hunter Parks, Rachael Beadle, Joel Dolce, Stephanie VanCheri, Emily Bowrs, Leana Diehl, Grace Mullen, Nalani Utegg, Tessa Braidich, David Farley, Emma Forthman, Brenna Newton, Alex Procknal, Aidan Jamison, Matthew Woleben, Wyatt Golembieski, Payton Brennan, Jeremy Kral, Eva Tytka, Shawn Kelly, Emily Barlette-Dye, Kaylee Hutchison, Amber Lockwood, Nova Logan, Ariana Bass, Andrea Martinez, Mr. Abate, Mr. Cerne, Mr. Hamms, Mr. Rice, Mr. Sadler, Mr. Skalski, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Swensen, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. McMullen, Miss Foley, Mrs. Kardashian, Mrs. Laurenzi, Mrs. Michalak, Mr. Yelich, Mrs. Kucharski, Mrs. Guzzetta.
Come join us for a Charity Powderpuff Volleyball Game on Friday, March 10 @ 7pm!
The Performing Arts Boosters are once again hosting their annual fundraising dinner! This year, our "Land & Sea" themed dinner will be held on Monday, March 20th at Sunset Bay Restaurant. There are seatings at 5 pm and 7 pm, but you can also do takeout!! All dishes are $20 and include a salad, soft drink, and dessert. All meals must be chosen at the time of ticket purchase to ensure we have enough ingredients. We will offer 75 spots at each seating, so if you are interested in dining in, get your reservation in ASAP. There is no limit on take-out orders.
Meal options are in the picture below. The vegetarian option is the steak n seaweed substituted with a portobello mushroom!
This is traditionally an incredible fundraiser for us, and ALL proceeds will go to help fund our production of Disney's The Little Mermaid April 13-16 (tickets available at
If you are interested in dining in or take out, please email Mrs. Laurenzi-Timmerman ( with your order and preferred seating time or talk to any student in the cast! Cash is always accepted, and checks can be made out to The Silver Creek Performing Arts Boosters! Payment due at time of order.
Thank you so much for all of your support!
Silver Creek Central School District's Unified Bowling team placed 3rd in its section at the Section VI Unified Bowling Championships held Tuesday, March 7, 2203, at Airport Lanes in Buffalo. Student Dominic Kemp was also awarded the Cross Training Athletics Character Award for demonstrating outstanding character during the event. Fun was had by all our Black Knights at this inclusive and amazing event.
Students in Mr. Smith's middle school science class recently had a lesson building a giant DNA model and extracting DNA.
Friendly reminder: Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Registration Day for the 2023-2024 academic year at Silver Creek Elementary School will occur Thursday, March 9, 2023, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the elementary lobby and Friday, March 10, 2023, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the high school lobby.
A child is eligible for Pre-K if they turn 4 years old on or before December 1. A child is eligible for Kindergarten if they turn 5 on or before December 1. No appointments necessary. Please bring your driver's license, your child's birth certificate and proof of residency.
Questions? Please call the Central Registrar at 716-934-2603, ext. 4966.
Happy National School Social Work Week from Silver Creek Central School District!
School social workers are mental health professionals who provide services related to individuals’ social, emotional, and life adjustment to school and society. 💛🖤
Let’s thank school social workers for the effect they have on the lives of our students and families from March 5-11, 2023!
What is a NY ABLE Account?
March 8, 2023, 7-8 PM
The NY ABLE Program is a tax-advantaged savings program for individuals with disabilities and their families to save for their current or long term needs while maintaining their ability to benefit from federal benefits programs such as SSI, SSDI and Medicaid.
Our program offers multiple investment options including a checking account and debit card option allowing individuals with disabilities to maintain their independence and have quick and easy access to their own money.
*Certificate of completion available upon request*
Call: 716-332-4170 | Email:
Wellness Matters! The Silver Creek Board of Education, administrators, and staff care about the health and wellness of our students and their families. David Hymowitz of #SAMEHERE, is presenting several upcoming virtual workshops for parents/families.
Mrs. Buczkowski's class wishes a Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss!
Shave the date: Bald for Bucks, a cancer research fundraiser, is coming to Silver Creek High School on Thursday, March 16, 2023, at 1:15 p.m. in the auditorium. Sign up at and email Mrs. Kardashian if you’re interested in participating.
Anyone 16 years or older looking for a summer job:
The Town of Hanover is looking for lifeguards.
If you’re interested, please stop by the High School Office by Thursday, March 16th to sign up to receive more details on the certification course in May.
March is National Music in Our Schools Month and the Silver Creek High chorus is partnering with Fredonia Community Choir to present REQUIEM FOR THE LIVING (MASTERWORKS) to the community. 🎼
Performances of "Requiem for the Living" by Dan Forrest and conducted by SCCS staff member Phillip McMullen are scheduled Wednesday, March 15, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium at Silver Creek High School and on Friday, March 17, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. at Main Street Studios, 50 West Main Street, Fredonia.
Donations will be accepted at both concerts to benefit Silver Creek High School Performing Arts and Fredonia Community Choir.
Silver Creek soloists: Katelyn Gard, Gianna Grabias, Kolby Jamison, Rachel Kemp, Dawson Russo, Harmony Sinders, and Eva Tytka. Fredonia Community Choir soloists: Erin Alexander, Ella Monaco and Trevor Napoli.
Friendly reminder that Friday, March 3, 2023, is an EARLY RELEASE day for students in Pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade at Silver Creek Central School District. đź“…
The first Wednesday in March is Global Choose to Include Day. This global movement is a part of the Special Olympics and Unified Sports Program. On this day, people from all over the world take a pledge to Choose to Include because individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID), a group made up of over 200 million people representing every country, belief system, sexual orientation, gender expression, race, and ethnicity, continue to be excluded and isolated from their peers in schools, workplaces, and communities around the world. By taking the Pledge to Include and by acting for meaningful inclusion, you can combat the hurtful and dehumanizing effects of exclusion. Respectful and inclusive words and actions are essential to the movement for the dignity and humanity of people with intellectual disabilities. You can support schools and organizations in your communities in their efforts to spread inclusion. In 2023, Spread the Word >> Inclusion is going all in on building a more inclusive future for everyone. If you can join the movement and #GoAllIn by going to and signing a virtual pledge card.
SCCS Unified Sports will be hositing a Spirit Week March 1-7, 2023. We encourage anyone who wishes to participate to do so!